Ho Chi Minh City: Proposal to buy free health insurance for people with HIV/AIDS
Ho Chi Minh City has just drafted a detailed outline of the Resolution to support the cost of purchasing health insurance cards for people with HIV/AIDS in the area;
According to the draft Resolution, Ho Chi Minh City will support 100% of the cost of buying health insurance cards for people with HIV/AIDS who do not have health insurance cards and are in the group participating in household health insurance, with registration. sign. Permanent or temporary residence in Ho Chi Minh City.

People with severe HIV/AIDS are being treated in Ho Chi Minh City. |
Ho Chi Minh City supports all remaining costs and expenses after deducting expenses paid by health insurance in accordance with the law. Health insurance for HIV antiretroviral drugs (ARV drugs) for people infected with HIV.
Funding sources for implementation include grants and aid;